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Home Security Recommendations For Summer


Summer is officially here, which means more families will be spending time together outdoors, with friends and relatives and of course, traveling! In fact, according to the 2017 Family Travel Association survey, summer is the most popular time for family travel.

While traveling is great and creates unique and long-lasting experiences, it’s important that you keep your home safe while away. The last thing you want to deal with when you’re halfway around the country is a burglary or damage to your home. In fact, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, household larceny and burglary victimization rates increase during the summer months as opposed to other months in the year.

So, whether you leave your home for a few days or a few weeks, below are five security tips to keep in mind when traveling and leaving home during the summer.

1. Be smart with your social media.
Although you may want to brag to your friends about the awesome time you’re having in Hawaii, it’s important to be smart when it comes to documenting your trip on social media. It’s one thing to post pictures while you’re away, but it’s another thing to announce when you’re leaving town and “checking in” at hotels/airports on Facebook. This is telling burglars in real time where you are and giving them the chance to break into your home.

If possible, try not to post pictures of your vacation while your away and instead, post when you return. If you do want to post updates from your vacation, just be sure to turn off the GPS tracking option on your social media apps and make your accounts private, so only the people you’re acquainted with will know you’re away.

2. Lock all windows & doors.
When you’re away from your home, how often do you lock your windows? Doors are easier to remember because you use them more frequently, but with the nice, cool summer nights, you’re probably opening and closing your windows more often. Take time to lock your windows and doors before you hit the road. Chances are, with all the foot traffic in your home, there will be some windows/doors that are unlocked.

Additionally, Fluent home security technology you can lock your doors through the Fluent app, giving you a peace of mind while you’re sitting on the tarmac waiting to take off.

3. Get your neighbors involved.
In addition to home security automation systems, your neighbors can be a great asset while you’re away. If possible, enlist them to keep an eye out on the house. You can do this in a variety of ways, including collecting the mail/newspaper for you, watching your dog, watering your plants or even house sitting. Just be sure that your neighbor is someone you can trust and that you can return the favor when the need arises.

4. Leave a couple lights on
You may ask yourself, is it safe to keep the lights on while you’re away? It’s actually the smart thing to do. Before you leave, walk through your home and decide what lights you want to schedule to come on for the day/night. Choose to light areas in your home both in the entryway, facing the street as well as in the back. Using lamps or other small lighting fixtures, schedule these out so it gives an appearance that someone is home. Leaving no lights on will definitely give the impression that you are not home.

This also includes leaving some outdoor/porch lighting on. Exterior lighting can better expose those trying to break into your house, as well as give the appearance of you actually being home. If you don’t want your outdoor lights on the whole time you’re out of town, consider investing in outdoor lighting with motion sensors or timer lights.

With Fluent automation technology, you can control the lighting in your home and schedule the light timers.

5. Keep your valuables hidden.
Lastly, it’s important to keep your valuables out of plain sight. Before you leave, walk around your house and put away your valuables. From iPads to wallets and jewelry, make sure it’s not in front of a window. It’s a simple way to not attracted burglars.

All in all, before you travel around the world, keep these five home security tips in mind so you can have a peace of mind. You may find it helpful to create a checklist of everything that needs to be locked, unplugged, set, etc. so you don’t miss anything. Also, see how Fluent technology can make it easier in keeping your home safe while you’re away. Learn more here.[:]

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