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LIMITED TIME OFFER: Free installation + Free Doorbell Camera ($600 Value) with the purchase of a new smart home system. Call us now!

Essential Facts That Every New Homeowner Should Know

[:en]What Every New Homeowner Needs To Know

Last year nearly 40 million people moved! That’s a lot of people making big changes. Were you one of them?

Moving to a new location or buying a new home is becoming more common. People are changing jobs more frequently and looking for newer, better opportunities. Moving to a new location can be stressful, exciting and a lot of hard work.

Even though there’s a lot to think about when moving, you should always have your home and family’s security as a main priority. Moving into a new home comes with a new set of security issues. Many new homeowners may overlook important steps they need to take early on to secure their home.

At Fluent Home, we want to make security as easy and efficient as possible. Whether you’re a new homeowner or a neighborhood veteran, every home needs security. Here are a few things to consider when thinking about new homeowner security:

If you don’t already, get in the habit of checking doors, windows and around the house every time you leave or go to bed. Making a mental checklist of things to look for isn’t hard, and shouldn’t take you very long, but it can make a big difference.


Get to know your neighborhood and neighbors before moving in and after the move.Picking a location that is right for you and your family can be one of the hardest aspects of moving. Sometimes a location won’t be 100% perfect, but you can anticipate what to expect in a neighborhood by choosing carefully where to live in the first place. Once you move in, become familiar with your surroundings. This will better prepare you in case of an emergency. It’s also important to know who you can rely on and what to be careful of.

Neighbors out for a walk

If you’re moving into an apartment or existing home it is strongly recommended that youchange the locks on all of your doors. You never know who has had a set of keys before you and as they say, “it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Hand unlocking the door

Install a home security system. There is no substitute for a good security system in your home. There are many steps you can take to have a more secure home, but knowing your home is monitored 24/7 with a professional installed home alarm will give you the most peace of mind. Many new homeowners forget this important step in getting a new home. Home security can be affordable and easy to use for any home, in any circumstance. Learn more about a Fluent home security system here.


Avoid giving out your home address or personal information unnecessarily, including on social media. Often stores or companies will ask for information in order to market to you or acquire more information. Only give out your personal information when it is absolutely necessary and make sure it is given to a trusted and verified source.

Woman using laptop at indoor.close-up

Make sure you have a list of emergency contacts. Get to know your local fire and police department and notify them if anything appears out of place. Notify your friends or family members when you leave town and have a trusted neighbor pick up your mail while you’re gone.

Vintage Green Phone

These are just a few of the many steps you can take to live a safer, more secure life. Check out these other great tips for more home security ideas.

If you’ve just moved into a new home, congratulations and best of luck! We hope that everyone can enjoy the safety and comfort that comes with having a secured home.[:]

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