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Home Accident Statistics: make your home safer with smart with technology

[:en]Keeping your elderly parents, grandparents, and other loved ones safe is a 24/7 job. But it’s not possible to always be around. Find out how smart home technology can be the in-home aid that never sleeps, helping to make the difference when it matters most

As we age, accidents in the home become a greater threat, and as family’s become more spread out it keeps getting harder to maintain a watchful eye on those that we love the most.

Traditional methods such as in-home aids and other medical technology have helped to keep our elderly loved ones out of nursing homes, but they are either too expensive or too limited in scope to provide the kind of round-the-clock protection necessary to safeguard vulnerable people from harm.

Smart home technology has revolutionized home safety in unprecedented ways. Now, by connecting smart devices to the internet of things and allowing people around the world 24/7 access to what’s happening in the home, you can have an in-home aid that never sleeps.

Here are some telling home accident statistics:

-Falls are the leading cause of injury death in homes with more than 6,000 lives claimed per year in the USA
-33% of people 65 or older suffer a fall in the home that leads to at least moderate injury
-More than 662,000 adults who suffered from falls in 2010 were hospitalized due to injuries
-Over 95% of hip fractures are caused by falls
Senior injury statistics in Canada

-For Canadians 65 or older, falls are the leading cause of injury
-85% of injury-related hospitalizations for seniors are due to falls
-Falls are the cause of 1/3rd of admissions to long-care facilities after hospitalization

The statistics are pretty clear on the devastating effects of a fall in the home. While smart home technology can’t prevent an accident from happening, it can trigger an immediate emergency medical response, limiting many of the devastating side effects of a fall.

How smart home technology protects the elderly

Canada is dealing with an aging population. Smart technology can lessen the burden on family and caregivers, allowing proud elderly Canadians to remain in their homes deep into their old age. Some modern technology can:

Monitor patient health – bio and infrared sensors can get a patient’s vital signs easily
Smart beds – as your elderly loved ones sleep, a smart bed can monitor physiological aspects to get a better view of their overall health
Intelligent appliances – never worry about improper use starting a fire when a smart stove knows how to turn itself
Fall detectors – fall detectors can have a dialogue with your family member, assess the situation, and call help immediately
Added security – security for the elderly is a must. 24/7 watchful eyes connected to your smartphone let you make sure everything is OK

These are just a few of the benefits that smart technology can bring. The accident statistics for the elderly are telling. The smarter your home, the safer your entire family is.

For security, energy, and automation smart home technology, Fluent Home Edmonton can help you connect devices to the internet of things and reap many of the benefits that smart technology brings![:]

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